Friday, December 22, 2006
How White and Nerdy am I?
I have always been a big Weird Al Yankovich fan, and his latest album Straight Outta Lynwood keeps me firmly in Wierd Al's wacky camp... I love the song White and Nerdy, thought the video was hilarious, and now found this quiz... Sadly, I am not nearly as white and nerdy as I thought.

How White and Nerdy Are You?

How White and Nerdy Are You?
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Will it ever Snow?
I am totally unprepared for Christmas this year. It seems like Thanksgiving was just last week and with the weather having been so nice the last few weeks I just don't feel like it is time for Christmas yet. The weather has been entirely to warm and fall like to even begin to believe it is December in Nebraska, no snow, light jacket days, sunny weather, no howling north winds... Heck, when we are supposed to get snow, it passes all around us, we are lucky to even get a few drops of completely liquid moisture!
Oh well, I guess it does let me get some really cool shots of things. I do have to admit it is nice to be able to work a camera and actually feel your fingers! Supposedly its going to snow tomorrow, but I am not holding my breath! Ironically tomorrow is the day my sister and brother in law are driving up from Oklahoma for the Christmas holiday. I guess if I wanted snow earlier, i should have made travel plans!
Oh well, I guess it does let me get some really cool shots of things. I do have to admit it is nice to be able to work a camera and actually feel your fingers! Supposedly its going to snow tomorrow, but I am not holding my breath! Ironically tomorrow is the day my sister and brother in law are driving up from Oklahoma for the Christmas holiday. I guess if I wanted snow earlier, i should have made travel plans!
Labels: Photography, Sunsets
Friday, December 15, 2006
Fire in the Sky

Chalco, Nebraska - 12/13/06
We have been having some absolutely gorgeous sunsets that last few days. The colors almost look to warm to be a sunset in December! Hard to believe its almost Christmas, as the weather has been so wonderful recently. I imagine we will eventually pay for all those light jacket days sometime in March!
Labels: Photography, Sunsets
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Winter Skies...

There is a coldness to the skies over Nebraska now, the brilliant cobalt blues and cottony whites of summer are gone, swept away by the winds of fall with its fiery colors, now muted by the coolness of a dreary gray sky. Watching a winter sunset, the chill of the impending darkness creeps on you. The bitter bite of winter begins to slowly drift over your perceptions...
Yet there is one small ray of hope... the Sun throwing up one last bit of warmth, defying the gloomy gloam with a gleaming display of crimson and oranges hearkening back to balmier times...
"Winter Sunflowers at Sunset" taken near Chalco, Nebraska 12/13/06.
Labels: Photography, Sunsets, Winter
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Thanksgiving Sunset

Took this shot on Thanksgiving down in Palmer, KS out on the family farm. I loved the way the sun was setting with the sliver of silvery moon hovering above the trees.
The wife and I spent Thanksgiving with her folks, so we traveled down to Kansas to her Grandmother's place and saw almost all the extended family. It was a good time, and nice to get out in the country and see where her parents grew up. I also like going out to the country, as I get a chance to shoot shots of different surroundings. I also like the fact that I can go out and see the stars. Thanksgiving night was perfect for that, as it was clear and very still, with only the dust from the dirt road occasionally giving a bit of haze to the whole affair.