Saturday, August 05, 2006

Its Hot,Busy, and My Ass Fell Asleep

Summers in Nebraska are HOT. No other way to describe it, just plain hot, and you know its bad when you have the weatherman telling you that a cold front is coming into the area and will drop the temps down to only 90. Geez… Only 90? I guess that’s why I sat out on our patio last night for about 2 hours in the mid 80s, and thought it felt absolutely luxurious. I was out there sitting on the fine patio we made last summer, enjoying the cool breeze and the sound of the cicadas rasping away in the trees and I guess I must have drifted off for a bit of a nap. Work has been pretty crazy, and I know at the end of the day yesterday I was pretty beat, so I guess my body just found a good way to relax. Now the funny part of this whole story is that I woke up only to find that my butt had completely fallen asleep. I probably had sat in this same position for about 2 hours with out moving, but this was pretty much a first for me. I have woken up in the past with a foot or an arm, but never my ass. Let me tell you, that is one crazy feeling. Not only are you not really able to stand up, but your legs don’t quite work right, and your whole rear end is tingling away. Heck, once I got into a semblance of a standing position, I found that my whole ass was numb, and I couldn’t even tell I was attempting to see if it was still attached!

I told this story to Mary at work, and she just about fell out of her chair laughing. She told me I needed to write a blog entry about this, so blame her if this isn’t funny…

Its been pretty busy around here, had family from Florida come up to visit, my buddy Greg had his 25th wedding anniversary, and my buddy had a deck party. The wife’s parents stopped overnight, and had a nice visit. All of that kept us pretty busy, and I know that we will be busy this coming weekend. Sister and brother in law are coming in from Lubbock this weekend and staying the week, so this should be a busy week as well. The wife and I are really looking forward to their visit, as they are great friends, and we love hanging out with them. Should be a nice change of pace.

I might possibly have a couple of cool photos next time. Union Pacific Railroad is running a special excursion steam train into Omaha this week, and I am planning on going down and getting some pics. I enjoy railroads, and probably am a bit of a rail nut (model railroad and train pics when I was younger) so getting to go see a real working steam locomotive is pretty cool. Hopefully I will be able to get a little time away from work and will have a chance to see the train actually in action on the rails…