Update from Omaha - 8-15-07
Real quick update, as I have to get Leah ready for bed so we can do the doctor circuit early tomorrow. Bill and Judith came up to help out, and will be staying at Mom and Dad's place. We had a fairly quiet day in regards to Leah, mostly a lot of resting and talking. We had visitors trickling in, Kenny and Karen this morning, Dr. Joe, Vinny, and Grandpa and Grandma (who brought dinner!)
Dr. Joe brought over the prayer shawl that St. James made Leah, and she loved it. She put it to good use not to long afterwards, and had herself wrapped up in it. He also had a chance to meet my grandparents, which was nice, as they all got an opportunity to hear the latest from Denver and from here in Omaha.
I was quite busy, had lots of little errands to attend to, dealing with insurance, and working on getting Mom and Dad's mail taken care of. I did stop by work today, and said hi, and plan on using the fact that Bill and Judith are here to sneak in for a bit tomorrow to hopefully take care of some stuff, and start getting my feet wet again. I figure it is going to be hectic the next few weeks, as we will be spending a lot of time working on doctors, PT and various insurance issues. Thankfully Pat and the folks at EDM have been very understanding, and have let me know that they will be flexible with me. This means a lot to Leah and I, as we will be able to continue to get Leah the best care possible.
Since we are in the picture sharing mood, I figure I will share one or two with you folks...
Brit and Dad in their lovely living quarters
Brit and Leah in her room. That is the high tech fan
used to keep Leah cool in Brit's hand.
Mom and Leah in Mom's room.
Please keep Mom in your prayers tomorrow as she will be having some surgery done in the afternoon to clean up some of the large wounds.
We love all of you guys, thanks so much for all of your help, words of encouragement, thoughts and prayers.
J and L.
Dr. Joe brought over the prayer shawl that St. James made Leah, and she loved it. She put it to good use not to long afterwards, and had herself wrapped up in it. He also had a chance to meet my grandparents, which was nice, as they all got an opportunity to hear the latest from Denver and from here in Omaha.
I was quite busy, had lots of little errands to attend to, dealing with insurance, and working on getting Mom and Dad's mail taken care of. I did stop by work today, and said hi, and plan on using the fact that Bill and Judith are here to sneak in for a bit tomorrow to hopefully take care of some stuff, and start getting my feet wet again. I figure it is going to be hectic the next few weeks, as we will be spending a lot of time working on doctors, PT and various insurance issues. Thankfully Pat and the folks at EDM have been very understanding, and have let me know that they will be flexible with me. This means a lot to Leah and I, as we will be able to continue to get Leah the best care possible.
Since we are in the picture sharing mood, I figure I will share one or two with you folks...

used to keep Leah cool in Brit's hand.

We love all of you guys, thanks so much for all of your help, words of encouragement, thoughts and prayers.
J and L.
i love you guys
We love you guys too... We miss you lots!
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