Wednesday, August 15, 2007

News from the Denver Outpost

Hi Friends,

The first day of rehabilitation is complete, and Rachel seems to have passed with flying colors. The speech therapist interviewed her twice today to make sure that there were no lasting effects from the concussion. Rachel remembered her three word sequence of rose, sweater, and hamburger without any problem, even after 15 minutes of talking about other subjects. However, my favorite question was when the therapist asked her if she has always been a “big” talker. Another query just to make sure that all her talking wasn’t a method of covering for some confusion. We all confirmed she was a big talker.

The occupational therapist will be teaching her how to dress again, and was querying about how our house is set up so they can teach her how to deal with steps and obstacles there.

The physical therapist checked her joints and range of motion, and got her up into a wheel chair. They are really preparing her to be able to go home as quickly as possible. There is still no practical prognosis on when that date may be, but overall, it really ended up being a good day.

I am attaching a picture of Rachel’s mountain view taken from the vantage point of her pillow. I also have posted a picture of Rachel talking to her sister Kathy early this afternoon.

Jay, Renee, Britanie, Zach and Leah’s Dad


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