Yes I am a lazy blogger... Deal with it.
Wow...So it has been some 2 weeks since I last blogged. I guess I needed a break, and had to find some source of inspiration that I could wildly espouse about. Thankfully, those 2 weeks have been filled with many interesting and humorous moments, and should provide me with plenty of material for you, my loyal subscribers to read. I also feel like I might step up the content provision and use this blog as a vehicle to share some of my photos with people, and better illustrate my blog entries.
If you recall back to my last entry, I was whining about how Mother Nature and my social schedule had conspired to not allow me to get started on building our patio. The wife and I finally cleared our schedules, and with the Memorial day weekend fast approaching, we decided it was high time we got this patio built. Of course, me being the engineer that I am, I had this brilliant plan in my head about how the patio would look, the materials and amounts needed, and the site picked out. Never mind that all this was in my head, and not on paper, but that is a minor little detail, and those things have a great way of working themselves out (usually by rearing their ugly little heads and biting you square on the ass.) The wife and I load up into the truck and head off to our local home improvement extravaganzamart who happens to be having a landscape and outdoor entertainment sale. The wife and I pick out the paving stones we want, and place them on order to be delivered to our house. This is a bit of a debacle as the friendly clerk is completely mixed up on the current date, and ends up putting the wrong time and date into his form and computer for delivery. Finally we think we have the delivery schedule all straightened out, and the wife and I head out to the lumberyard section to gather some of the other materials needed to complete the patio.
Now here is where my thinking started to go a bit awry. I started to buy bags of sand. Now sand in a bag (50 lbs ß remember this amount) basically covers .5 cubic feet, or 1 square foot 6 inches high. Not thinking I buy a total of ten 50 pound bags of sand to act as a base for the whole patio. Yep, ten measly bags of sand. Somehow in my head this made sense, but looking back, I am sure I was afflicted by some mental illness which clouded any bit of math ability I possess, or for that matter any common sense! The wife and I get the sand loaded into the truck and head off to the house feeling content that we are finally going to get this patio thing started.
To be continued….
This will be a multi-part article as the project consumed nearly a week out of our lives, and there are many areas that will need to be fleshed out in more detail.
Anyway, Here are a few pics to enjoy...

I heard this crazy rumor that the heavy rain of the last weekend washed away your progress....please tell me that this rumor, like so many others are just a little ugly lie! Oh and I remember the wife taking pictures...can you drop a few pounds off of me and maybe airbrush some definition so I look buff, before posting them...what? you weren't going to put any pictures of me up?....Let's think about that a little more clearly! ;)
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