Hi Friends,
We have officially closed down the Denver Outpost and returned to Headquarters in Omaha, Nebraska. The last couple of days in Denver were very exciting and very emotional too. We accepted to social obligations for Sunday afternoon. The first was a brunch engagement with Jim and Dee Fehr, the angelic family that provided meals to our family and extended family during our long stay in Swedish Medical Center. Jim and Dee picked us up at noon and drove us to Marie Calendars for a nice relaxed lunch. While the trip was only about 12 miles, Rachel’s anxiety level for her first car ride since the accident must have been at an all time high. She arrived drained of color, weak, anxious and very tired. A little juice, some high calorie syrup, waffles, and some strada from the buffet quickly revived her and we ended up having a very pleasant lunch and began the first of many emotional goodbyes. Jim and Dee are two of the most benevolent and loving people we have met during this tragic event. We can not thank them enough for all they offered and accomplished for us.
Upon returning to the hospital room with the mountain view, Rachel dropped into a deep sleep for about an hour and one half. At 4:05 pm. I woke her from her slumbers and told her we needed to get ready for our second adventure of the day. At 4:30 pm we headed down to meet Beverly, Rachel’s cousin, and her husband Kirk to once again venture into the real world. Beverly and Kirk took us on a very beautiful and wonderful trip up into those mountains in our hospital view. We traveled US Highway 185 up to Black Hawk and Central City to see the damage wreaked on the environment by the gambling industry in Colorado and then on to Idaho Springs for some great mountain pizza at BeauJo’s Pizza. (www.beaujos.com) Returning some four hours later, we drove past Red Rocks Amphitheater, all lit up and glowing against the mountainside and down towards the dazzling lights of Denver. Those four hours were a highlight of our stay in Denver and set the tone for a very successful trip home. Anxiety be damned!
Monday, a very well rested Rachel, began her Physical Therapy with a battery of tests and new exercises to further underscore her capability of going home. Maria, had Rachel walk the halls of Rehab, climb the steps in the gym, walk up a 4 inch curb, then a 7 inch curb, get up off of low objects, rise up from loose chairs that can slide away from you, and do exercises standing up that develop balance and muscle tone. Rachel passed with flying colors. Meanwhile, Katie, her Occupational Therapist, worked on her arm and shoulder, pressing the fluids from her swollen fingers down into the even more swollen palm and back of hand toward the wrist. They worked on range of motion with her shoulder and started working on additional series of exercises she could do at home.
Having passed all her obstacles with vigor and enthusiasm, the entire staff of Rehab decided to honor Rachel with a graduation ceremony. Consequently, to the tones of Pomp and Circumstance, Rachel walked a gauntlet of doctors, nurses, technicians, administrators and other patients wearing her pastel yellow gown and pastel purple graduation cap with accompanying silver tassel. Tears of joy were flowed copiously, and hugs were given by all. Once more words can not express how grateful we are to the wonderful staff of Swedish Medical Center Rehabilitation. Thank you and we love you all.
Finally, at 8:15 Tuesday morning, we departed for the airport and our plane ride home. Beverly once more provided transportation for us and drove us without delay or complication to Denver International, where we arrive with about an hour and forty five minutes to wait for the flight. Check in was extremely easy, and Frontier Airlines had an attendant to take us directly to TSA and ran us through their gauntlet of security machines and agents without incident. They then put us on a cart and transported us directly to our gate. The flight transpired at about forty thousand feet, with clear visibility all the way down to the fields and pastures below. After the flight crew congratulated the pilots on a marvelous landing, we taxied into the gates two minutes early and were greeted by my mother, my sister and brother and Jay. Needless to say, we are very happy to be home.
We do want to tell you all how much we have really appreciated all the prayers, wishes, thoughts, cards, flowers and words of kindness we have received. It is extraordinarily amazing how much love and caring there has been from our family, friends, coworkers, students, parishioners, and absolute strangers whom we met fleetingly and will probably never meet or see again. To each of you we offer our heartfelt thank you.
Jay, Renee, Britanie, Zach and Leah’s Dad
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