Monday, August 27, 2007

News from the Denver Outpost August 27, 2007

News from Denver

Dear Friends,

I have been remiss in my duties of updating everyone on Rachel’s developments. She continues to improve, and has thus started taking up more of my time during the day. Yesterday, we took a field trip to see the goldfish pond and fountain contained in a courtyard here between buildings. On weekends, the hospital closes down most of the available egress doors to ensure security, so we were not able to take the shortest way to the pond. I took her out the emergency room doors (they tend to be unlocked almost always) and took her up to Girard St. for about four blocks and then down an incline to the pond about a city block. When she tuckered out, I had to push her uphill for a block. Fortunately, Girard slopes down to go back to the emergency room doors. So I got quite a workout too!

Today, they started removing some of the tubes. At 6:00 this morning, Rachel was unhooked from her catheter and is now back on her own for all bodily waste operations. They told us today they will also remove the vacuum system by Wednesday, which means a lot more freedom for us. They also are pushing her to use her Voldyne breathing tool at least once per hour. They want to get her lungs redeveloped to the point she can sustain 90% blood oxygen on her own without the oxygen tube assist.

Today, the Physical Therapists and Occupational Therapists outfitted her with a sleeker, lighter weight variety of wheelchair and sent her off into the hallways to practice locomoting on her own. She quickly discovered the disadvantages of carpeted rooms, and the distinct advantage of flat, smooth surfaces. She also got her first real bath in 23 days, so she has already had a big day and we are still planning at least one trip back to the pond.

Thank you all for continuing to support us with thoughts and prayers. We have a great deal of healing, both physical and mental, ahead of us. We really can’t put into words how much we miss Renee. Please keep Zack and his family in your thoughts and prayers too! I know their pain is equally overwhelming.

Jay, Renee, Britanie, Zack and Leah’s Dad



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