Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Sun on the Grass

The wife was driving home from work last Friday, and saw these enormous thunderheads building off to the west. We decided to head out to the west to see if we could get a good clear shot of the clouds, and just see if any cool photographic moments popped up. We found ourselves traveling empty dirt roads out in the fields near the Platte River and Elkhorn River valley. OF course by the time we got out there, the big lone majestic thunderheads had been blocked in by some lower gray clouds. Thankfully the sun was peeking in and out of holes in the clouds, and would occasionally shoot a beam of warm yellow sunlight down on the fields. We have had a really wet spring, and all the grasses and fields were a very vivid green, and when one of these sunbeams hit the grass, it almost looked magical.

Sunbeam On Grass
Near Two Rivers State Park, Nebraska



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